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Cast copper parts processing factory for you to resolve
AUTHOR:Aspire International Trade    TIME:2017-09-22 21:30:00
Cast copper parts, some consumers in the purchase of copper products, and sometimes there are some rugged copper surface phenomenon. Information abstract:

Cast copper parts, some consumers in the purchase of copper products, and sometimes there are some rugged copper surface phenomenon. This phenomenon also Zhuaernaosai, then the following meters of copper processing factory to our friends, cast copper pieces to solve these questions for you, we also hope you to have a better understanding of copper processing.
     When you buy pieces of copper products produced on the surface of the stone, some bumpy phenomenon, and this may have occurred due to the working pressure of liquid in the approval process for copper in this phenomenon, the injection pressure is not stable in the course of  its  treatment in the injection machine mechanism to form the epidermal layer and the edge portion of the epidermal layer it is also different so this phenomenon. Or is it the copper filled hot part, the strength of the shrinking epidermis, which looks like the convex surface of some of the phenomena?. A possible cause of this two effect is that the residual gas fills the metal and, of course, has, possibly due to external compression, that it is shown to be exhausted in the cavity, so there is no such phenomenon.
      The reasons for the copper surface are many reasons, uneven copper plant, and this is how to cast copper pieces, we have made an analysis for you. If you like our content and disagree, I would appreciate it if you could let us know!

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