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The relationship between copper alloy casting and daily life
AUTHOR:Aspire International Trade    TIME:2017-09-22 21:24:00
The casting of copper alloy is closely related to daily life. For example, for doors, locks, radiators, iron pipes, gas stoves, iron, etc., is the casting. Information abstract:

The casting of copper alloy is closely related to daily life. For example, for doors, locks, radiators, iron pipes, gas stoves, iron, etc., is the casting.
     With different classification techniques: copper alloy casting color classification, generally divided into four categories: 1 "refers to copper and copper, the main varieties of copper and phosphorus deoxidized copper and copper, silver copper and brass; 2: refers to an alloy of copper and zinc based and may be decomposed into simple and complex Huang Tonghuang copper brass, group complex and third times the official name for the brass and nickel silicon brass and bronze, 3: Ministry of trade than copper nickel and copper zinc alloy and copper alloy yiwai, the main varieties of tin bronze, aluminum bronze and bronze (special, high copper alloy) and copper nickel alloy; 4: 1 brass is an alloy of copper and zinc copper nickel alloy. With yellow, or red, yellow color. Higher mechanical properties than pure copper and brass, will not corrode, generally do not rust; good plastic, commonly used structural components in the machinery manufacturing industry production. According to different materials in cast steel, cast iron, copper, zinc, aluminum die-casting magnesium casting, casting titanium alloy parts. The chemical composition and microstructure are further classified into different categories. It can be divided into cast iron, copper alloy casting, vermicular cast iron, malleable cast iron, alloy cast iron mould; according to the different forming methods can be divided into ordinary casting, sand casting, permanent mold casting, die casting, centrifugal casting, continuous casting, casting, casting, electroslag remelting and Tao Cimo die casting parts, metal casting, etc.. Up to about 80% of total casting production of sand casting applications. A non-ferrous metal, such as aluminum, magnesium, and zinc, that is a die casting.

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