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Characteristics of cast aluminium parts
AUTHOR:Aspire International Trade    TIME:2017-09-22 21:59:00
Cast aluminum parts are of low cost and good manufacturability. Remelting and regeneration can save resources and energy, so they have been applied and developed. As the research and development of cupola furnace duplex melting process and equipment with advanced filtering technique of molten iron desulfurization Information abstract:

Cast aluminum parts are of low cost and good manufacturability. Remelting and regeneration can save resources and energy, so they have been applied and developed. As the research and development of cupola furnace duplex melting process and equipment with advanced filtering technique of molten iron desulfurization, the cast iron manufacturing technology Bo Bigao strength, cast iron composite material manufacturing technology, surface of casting or partial strengthening technology; complete sets of Wen Yang ductile iron technology used in metal casting and metal coated sand casting. Continuous casting and other special technology and equipment etc..
Aluminum casting light alloy has low density, high specific strength, corrosion resistance and a series of excellent properties, will be more widely used in aviation, aerospace, automotive, machinery and other industries, especially in the automotive industry, in order to reduce fuel consumption and improve energy utilization rate, aluminum, nickel alloy castings instead of steel, iron castings is the long-term trend of development. Among them, the refining technology, modification technology, grain refinement technology and rapid detection technology before furnace are solved. In order to further improve the properties of materials and maximize the potential of materials, high quality aluminum alloy materials, especially aluminum matrix composites, can be developed to meet the requirements of different working conditions.

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