pvc tubing
Mainly used for water, gas, oil,
Use;It is applicable to the fields of agriculture, industry, engineering, fishery breeding, aquatic animal breeding and so on. It can be used for liquid transportation under normal working pressure. It can also be used for door handle jacket, craft gift packaging and children's toy accessory products.
Characteristic;This product is light and inexpensive, soft, elastic, good quality.
Applicable temperature;- 5 ℃ ~ 65 ℃
Nanjing Aspire Group
TEL: 025-58861631/58852631
Contact: Mr. Guo Zhi
EMAIL: lz@njlzgj.com,gz@njlzgj.com,aspirevalve@gmail.com
USA URL: www.njlzgj.com China URL: www.castingforge.com
ADDRESS:Room 2304,Bldg 2, No. 37, Daqiao North Road,Jiangbei new district,Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
SUPPORT:Aspire Group
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